Pick-up lines have evolved throughout the years because of the emergence of new media and technology that impact television programs, movies, and smartphones. This paves the way to the emergence of new digital-generation chat-up lines.
You could go the easy way, with conversation openers such as self-introduction or asking the target listener about her interests and likes. Or you could move into the riskier territory of humour and flattery.
Here are the ten most cheesy chat-up lines that don’t work and will certainly make you laugh:
- “I seem to have lost my number; can I have yours instead?”
- “Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?”
- “I heard you’re good in algebra, can you replace my X without asking Y.”
- “There must be something wrong with my eyes; I can’t take them off you.”
- “Can I follow you home? Cause my parents always told me to follow my dreams.”
- “Know what’s on the menu? Me-n-u.”
- “Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you, I smile.”
- “Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears!”
- “If I were a cat I’d spend all 9 lives with you.”
- “If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put ‘I’ and ‘U’ together.”
How to make your pick-up lines work
When pick-up lines are presented in a manner that is non-threatening and wholesome, they actually work. The good ones can lead to great conversation, at the very least. The bad ones could leave you stranded in a pool of embarrassment.
Let’s make it easy – remember the 3 Cs
Funny and cheesy pick-up lines are not enough to get the attention and convince your target woman. You need a combination of confidence, connection, and compliment.
Confidence is marked by a smile on your face, direct eye contact, and positive attitude. Bear in mind that there is a thin line that separates confident and cocky.
A real connection is essential as well. Appreciate her smile and read through her eyes to identify if she is also interested in you. You can’t just throw a pick-up line into the uncaring world. You really need to connect with her.
Compliment her! For instance, you can recognize her smile or appreciate her outfit. With that, you can definitely earn some points.
Be authentic
Be true to yourself and avoid false advertisement. Avoid using pick-up lines that are overused such as those that you have seen in movies or TV series. Create your own and make it sound organic. If you are among those guys who are not that slick or suave, make your pick-up line simple but fun. Create lines that convey your personality.
Be humorous
Women are attracted to men with a sense of humor. Using pick-up lines is a great way to make women laugh. But make sure that it is funny, not corny.
Be enticing
Avoid throwing excessive and insincere praise. Women don’t like it. However, a well-delivered flirtatious pick-up lines that are cheesy are highly recognized by women. You don’t only compliment her outer appearance; you also need to appreciate her whole self like her, work, and intellect.
Be honest
Ensure that what you are saying is true and relevant. Using quotes from movies and music gives your date an idea of who you are and what you like. If you are open about yourself, then she can also be open about her life. Through that, you can naturally build a genuine connection with her.
Be sincere
Be sincere in delivering the pick-up line. The way you deliver the pick-up line could create first impressions and judgments. Being sincere means you don’t want to sound or look fake or corny. Bear in mind that being confident, not arrogant, is key in delivering your pick-up line.
Pick-up lines are great conversation starters. Men often used pick-up lines to grab the attention of women and convince them for a romantic date. Not all pick-up lines work. Some may end up corny or discouraging. Therefore, it is important to be strategic in approaching your target woman. When throwing pick-up lines, always remember to blend it with confidence, connection, and compliment. Pick-up lines work best if you are authentic, humorous, enticing, factual, and sincere in delivering it. For beginners, it is best to avoid using overused and standardized lines. Pick-up lines in an interrogative format are perfect for them.

Melissa is a young and energetic writer, a mom to a sweet little boy, and a fur-mom to two perfect pooches. Before becoming the Associate Content Director for Project Female, she was a journalist specializing in topics related to women in politics and policy affecting women.
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